
ADEYANJU Solomon Adekunle



1. NAME: ADEYANJU Solomon Adekunle

2. DATE OF BIRTH: December 21st, 1948

3. PLACE OF BIRTH: Jos, Plateau State.

4. NATIONALITY: Nigerian

5. PERMANENT ADDRESS: Rd. 9d, Hs.5, O.A.U. Staff Qtrs.

6. CURRENT POSTAL ADDRESS: Dept. of Physical and Health Education, Obafemi Awolowo University, Ile-Ife

7. NAME AND ADDRESS OF NEXT OF KIN: Mrs. Olufunmilayo Adeyanju Moremi High School, Ile-Ife.

8. PHONE NUMBER(S): +234-803-402-8072

9. E-MAIL:


MY Qualifications

a) West African School Certificate – December, 1966v b) Nigerian Certificate in Education – June, 1971

c) Bachelor of Science, Education (Physical Education) Ife, June, 1975.

d) Master of Science (Physical Education) Bowling Green Kentucky, U.S.A. August, 1979.

e) Doctor of Physical Education, Bloomington, Indiana, December, 1982.

MY Publications

(a) Thesis

“Effects of two speed of Isokinetic Training on Strength power and endurance” (Master Thesis, Western Kentucky University Bowling Green Kentucky. 1979).

(b) Dissertation: Doctoral

“Reaction Time Components under Resisted and unresisted condition as a Function of Gains in Strength” Indiana University, December, 1982. Published in Microfrehe Form Microform Publications University of Oregon Eugene.

2a. Monographs: None

(b) (i) Authored Books: None

(ii) Co-Authored Books: (See Manuscripts accepted 4 (XXXIII)

i. Physical And Health Education Books Primary 1-6, Spectrum Publishers (In Press, Adeyanju,S.A, Okunrotifa, E.B., Igbanugo,V.C., Danladi,I.M.D., Edegboiyi, B.)

(c) Contribution to books:

ii ADEYANJU, S.A. (1991). “Information Processing and Movement Control among Athletes”. In Sports Science and Medicine (Amusa, Ed. ), Vol. 1pp. 286 – 291.

iii. ADEYANJU, S.A. (1990) Simple and Choice Reaction Time of Female Soccer Player on Instep and inside-of-the Foot kicks. In Application of Sports Science and Medicine to Soccer Amusa and Agbonjimi (Eds) Nigerian Association of Sports of Science and Medicine (NASSM). Pp. 377 – 385.

iv. ADEYANJU S.A. (1992) Human Nutrition and Sport. In Physical and Health Education. Published by Alpha Indusries, Ikare, pp. 210-223.

v. ADEYANJU S.A. (1993) Research Methods in Sport Psychology in Psychosocial Perspective of Sport. Adedoja, T.A.A Mshelia B.S. and Onifade, A. (Eds). Vertex Diamond Ltd, Lagos. Pp. 70 – 79.

vi. ADEYANJU S.A. and ORODELE B. (1993). Motor Control in Coordination – oriented activities among children 6 – 11 years old. In Sports Science and Medicine. Vol. III pp. 91 – 95. Amusa, L.O. (Ed).

vii. ADEYANJU, S.A. and ADEYANJU, J.L. (1993) Educational Technology in Physical Education. Akanbi K; and Adekomi D. (Eds) Educational Technology in Methodologies of Teaching Science pp. 189 – 206.

viii ADEYANJU, S.A. and OLORUNSOLA, H.K. (2004) Recreation in Medical Management. In Irinoye A.I. (ed.) Optimal Management of Health Care Organizations. Ibadan, Spectrum Books Ltd. pp. 272-281.

ix. ADEPOJU, B.A. and ADEYANJU, S.A. (2006). Problems of Conducting Scientific Research in Nigeria. In Adamu, Y.M., Mohammed, H. and Dandago, K.I. (Eds). Readings in Social Science Research. Kano, Adamu Joji Publishers pp. 27 – 37.

x. ADEYANJU, S.A. (2006). Difference Scores in Experimental and Quasi-Experimental Research Designs. In Adamu, Y.M., Mohammed H. and Dandago, K.I. (eds) Readings in Social Science Research, Kano, Adamu Joji Publishers, pp. 164 – 168.

xi. ADEYANJU, S.A. (2011). The Passionate Connection: The Mentor’s Greatest Gift. In Olowu, A.A. (Ed.) Mentoring: A Key Issue in Human Resources Management, SA e- Publications Portal, Centurion 0046, South Africa.

3 (a) Published Articles:

xii. ADEYANJU, K., CREWS, T. AND MEADOWS, W. (1983). Effects of Two Speeds of Isokinetic Training on Muscular Strength, Power and Endurance”. Journal of Sports Medicine and Physical Fitness Vol. 23, No. 3 pp. 240 – 242.

xiii MEADOWS, W.J.; CREWS T.R. and ADEYANJU, S.A. (1983), “A Comparison of Three Conditioning Weight Training Programme on sedentary College Women” Athletic Training. Fall pp. 240 – 242.

xiv ADEYANJU, S.A. (1984). “Measurement Schedules for Motor Performance Testing” Physical, Health Education and Recreation Journal Vol. 1, pp. 17 – 23.

xv ADEYANJU, S.A. (1984) Changes in Muscular Endurance Following Isokinetic Training. West African Journal of Physical and Health Education. Vol. 1, No. 2. pp. 30 -37.

xvi. ADEYANJU. S.A. (1985). “Safety in Sports Through Conditioning Nigerian School Health Journal Vo 5. No. 1 pp. 73 – 77.

xvii ADEYANJU, S.A. (1987). Evaluation, A Procedural Approach” Nigerian Journal of Curriculum Studies Vol. No. 2 pp. 12 – 19.

xviii ADEYANJU, S.A. (1987). “Effect of Colour Depth Perception on Motor Performance” Journal of Health and Physical Education Communications Vol. 1, No. 1 pp. 71 – 81.

xix ADEYANJU, S.A.(1987). “Effects of Knowledge of Results and Distribution of Practices on Learning of Motor Skill” Journal of Nigerian Association of Sports Science and Medicine. Vol. 1, No. 1 pp. 87 – 94.

xx ADEYANJU, S.A. (1988). “Fractionated Reaction Time among Power and Endurance Athletes” Journal of Nigerian Association of Sports Science and Medicine Vol. II No. II pp. 71 – 82.

xxi. ADEYANJU, S.A. (50%) and J.L. ADEYANJU (50%) (1988) “Colour Preference, Size Discrimination and Motor Performance of Children 7 – 12 year Old. Ife Journal of Theory and Research in Education. Vol. 1 pp. 64 – 70.

xxii. ADEYANJU, S.A. (1989). “Current Knowledge and Practice of University Coaches and Care of the Elite Athlete “Journal of Nigerian Association of Sport Science and Medicine. Vol. 3. pp. 115 – 124.

xxiii. ADEYANJU, S.A. (1990). “Accuracy and Consistency of Submaximal Force Estimation in Male Adolescents”. Ife Journal of Theory and Research in Education. Vol. No. 2 pp. 26-31.

xxiv. ADEYANJU, S.A. (1992). “Perception of Middle-Aged Adults on the Effect of Aging on Motor Skill of Self and the Elderly”. Nigerian Journal of Sports Science and Medicine vol. IV pp. 79 – 82.

xxv. ADEYANJU, S.A. (1993). “Effect of Variation in Sensory Modality and Practice on Reaction Time”. Journal of Sports Psychology Association of Nigerian (JOSPAN) No. 1 pp. 70 – 78.

xxvi. ADEYANJU, S.A. (1993). “Fractionated Reflex Time Under Normal and Jendrassik Maneuver Among Young Adults”. Journal of Nigerian Association of Sports Science and Medicine (JONASSM) Vol. V, pp. 100 – 104.

xxvii. ADEYANJU, S.A. and AKANLE, O.O. (1996) “Fatigue Characteristics of Champion Power and Endurance Athletes during Force Estimation”. Journal of Sports Medicine and Physical Fitness. Vol. 36, No. 2, pp. 90-94.

xxviii. ADEYANJU, S.A. (1996) Cross Transfer in Self-paced Tracking Task. Ondo State University Journal of Physical Health Education and Recreation vol. 2, No. 1 and 2 pp. 209 – 218.

xxix. ADEYANJU, S.A. (1996) Physical and Motor Performance Characteristics as Correlates for Maximum Running Speed in Adolescent Children. Journal of Research in Health, and Sport Sciences Vol. 1 (I) pp. 21 – 24.

xxx. ADEYANJU, S.A. (1995) Status and Prospect of Comparative Physical Education and Sport in Nigeria. Ife Journal of Educational Studies. Pp. 54 – 64.

xxxi. ADEYANJU, S.A., MORRIS, H.H., and KAMAN, G. Reliability of Reaction Time and its Fractionated Components under Resisted and Unresisted Conditions. Ife Journal of Theory and Research in Education. Pp. 65-69.

xxxii. ADEYANJU, S.A. and HARUNA, T.R. (1996) Racket Sports Athletes: A Comparison of Motor Performance Characteristics. Journal of Physical Education and Research.

xxxiii. ADEYANJU, S.A. (1997) Academic Programme and the Development of Sport in Higher Institutions: The Nigerian Scenario. Journal of Physical Education and Research pp. 280 – 283.

xxxiv. ADEYANJU, S.A. (2000) Changes in Learning and Training Components of Muscular Strength following Weight Training Journal of Research in Health and Sport Science, pp. 22-24.

xxxv. ADEYANJU, S.A. (2005). Learning to Live by Utilizing an Active Adult lifestyle. Journal of Adult Education and Community Services Vol. 1, No. 1, pp. 143 – 150.

xxxvi. ADENIRAN, S.A., AMUSA, L.O., TORIOLA, A.L., and ADEYANJU, S.A. (2009). Anatomical Fat Patterning in Male Nigerian Soccer Players. African Journal for Physical, Health Education, Recreation and Dance, Vol. 15, 2, 285-293

xxxvii. ADEDOYIN, R.A., ADEYANJU, S.A., BALOGUN, M.O., AKINTOMIDE, A.O., ADEBAYO, R., AKINWUSI, P.O., AWOTIDEBE, T.O. (2010). Assessment of Exercise Capacity in African Patients with Chronic Heart Failure using Six Minutes Walk Test. International Journal of General Medicine Vol. 3,109-113.

xxxviii. ADEDOYIN, R.A., ADEYANJU, S.A., BALOGUN, M.O., AKINTOMIDE, A.O., ADEBAYO, R., AKINWUSI, P.O. (2010). Prediction of Functional Capacity During Six- Minute Walk among Patients with Chronic Heart Failure. Nigerian Journal of Clinical Practice Vol. 1, 13(4): 379-381.

xxxix. OJOAWO, A.O., ADEYANJU, S.A., BAMIWUYE, S., AND ONAGBIYE, S.O. (2011). Percent Body Fat and Lung Functions among the Undergraduate Students of Obafemi Awolowo University (O.A.U), Ile Ife. Nigeria. International journal of biological science, Vol. 3, No. 3, pp. 102-110.

b. Published Conference Proceedings:

xxxx ADEYANJU, S.A. (1996) Training Strategies and Nutritional Manipulation for Endurance Performance Biannual Review of Educational Studies. Vol. 1 No. 2. pp. 59 – 69.

xxxxi OKUNROTIFA, E.B. (50%) and ADEUANJU, S.A. (50%) (1986). “Effects of structured Exercise Programmes on the physical Fitness Status of Adults. Edited Proceeding of the Nigerian Association of Sports Science and Medicine (NASSM) Conference pp. 99 – 107.

xxxxii ADEYANJU, S.A. (1987). “Parental Influence on Recreational Awareness and Habits of Children” Edited Proceedings of the 16th Annual Conference of the Nigerian Association of Physical and Health Education and Recreation (JOPHER). Pp. 1, 2-20.

xxxxiii ADEYANJU, S.A. and F.B. ADEYANJU (1995) Conditioning of Women: Resistance Exercise and Muscular Strength and Power. National Association of Women in Sports Proceeding (MAWIS_ pp. 44 – 52.

xxxxiv ADENIRAN, S.A. AND ADEYANJU, S.A. (2003) Central and Peripheral Body Fatness among Soccer and Basketball Players of Obafemi Awolowo University, All Africa Games pre-Games Scientific Congress (Abstract)


xxxxv FAWOLE, J.O., OKUNROTIFA, E.B., ADEYANJU, S.A. and ADENIRAN, S.A. “Physical Fitness for Adults: A Proposal”. Journal of Nigeria Society of Physiotherapy (JNSP). (Acceptance letter attached.)

xxxxvi ADENIRAN, S.A. (50%) and S.A. ADEYANJU (50%). “Biomechanical Analysis of the Soccer In-Step-Kick”. Nigerian Journal of Sports (Acceptance letter attached).


(a) ADEYANJU, S.A. Teaching Methods. In Perspective in Teaching. Department of Curriculum and Special Education, Faculty of Education, Obafemi Awolowo University.


(i) ADEYANJU S.A, (1997) Current Theories and Methods in Coaching. Commissioned Paper by National Institute for Sports pp. 46-55.

(ii) ADEYANJU, S.A. (2002) Managing and coping with Executive Stress.

(iii) ADEYANJU, S.A. (2004). Enhancing Teacher Productivity. Paper Presented at the Annual Conference of Osun State ANCOPS.


i. Muscular strength recovery pattern following serial and intermittent fatiguing isometric contractions.

ii. Weight estimation following fatiguing exertion among children age 6 – 10 years.

Research Interests

1. Force development in the hand flexor muscles of children as a function of fatigue level.

2. Effect of Concentric and eccentric muscle contractions on elbow flexor muscle group strength output.