1. Name: LAWANI Ajibike Omolola
2. Date of Birth: 14th December, 1979
3. Sex: Female
4. Nationality: Nigerian
5. Next-of-Kin Mr. Anuodo Oludare O.
6. Date of Assumption of Duty: 3rd October, 2006
7. Status at First Appointment: Graduate Assistant
8. Present Position and Type of Appointment: Graduate Assistant (Permanent)
9. Date of Confirmation of Appointment: Not Applicable Yet
10. Date of Last Study Leave/Leave of Absence: September 2008
11. Total Years of Leave of Absence: 3years
12. Faculty: Education
13. Department: Educational Foundations and Counselling
LAWANI Ajibike Omolola
Graduate AssistantABOUT ME
MY Qualifications
MY Publications
(i) Social adjustment among international students: a comparison of Asians and Africans in northern china, Manuscript accepted for review/publication by Psychological Belgica, January, 2012. Belgium.
(ii) The effects of parenting styles on student's disposition to violence in Osun State, Nigeria published in Revista de cercetare si interventie sociala , 2011, vol. 32, pages 86-94. Romania.
(iii) Learners' disposition to violence in African Society and its implication for counseling. Published in The African Symposium: vol 10 number 1. June 2010. USA.
(iv) The Notion of Elderly Sexuality: Views of Older People in Two Yoruba Communities in Osun State, Nigeria published by Indian Journal of Gerontology 2009, Vol. 23, No. 2. pp 235 -249. India
(v) Menstrual discomfort and its influence on daily academic activities and psychosocial relationship among undergraduate female students in Nigeria. Published by Tanzania Journal of Health Research, 11 (4): 181-188.2009 Tanzania
(vi) Menstrual Disorder among Young Female Workers and its Implication on Job Performance (Case Study of Obafemi Awolowo University, Nigeria) Ife psychologia, 2009. Nigeria.
(vii) Influences on smoking behaviour of adolescents and young adults in a Nigerian University; African journal of drug & alcohol studies Volume 7, number 2, 2008. South Africa.
Research Interests
Conference Attended in the last 3 years
- Counselling Association of Nigeria (CASSON) 31st Annual Conference held between 14th 17th August, 2007 at the Covenant University, Ota, Ogun State Nigeria.
- 2nd Asia Pacific Rim International Counselling Conference - Hong Kong 6th - 8th July, 2011
6) Administrative Positions held with date:
1. Academic Staff Secretary Dec. 2006- Jan. 2008
2. Departmental P.G. Committee Secretary
3. Assisting Economics/Education Course Adviser Part 1