1. Full Name: IROEGBU Victoria Ihekerenma
2. Date of Birth 25th May, 1954,
3. Place of Birth: Kano.
4. Martial Status: Married
5. Permanent Home Address: P.O. Box 1, Amaeke, Ovim.
6. Current Post Address: Institute of Education,
Obafemi Awolowo University,
7. Name and Address of Next of Kin: Dr. T.O. Iroegbu
Department of Teacher Education
University of Ibadan
Oyo State.
8. Phone Number(s) 08067849999/08056165156
9. E-mail nmaviroegbu@yahoo.com
10. Present Position: Lecturer I
IROEGBU Victoria Ihekerenma
Lecturer IABOUT ME
MY Qualifications
(a) Nigerian Certificate of Education/English/Primary Education,
Ahmadu Bello University, Zaria. 1979
(b) Bachelor of Education (B.Ed.) – Elementary Education 21 Honours,
University of Calabar, Calabar, Cross River State 1989
(c) Masters of Education – Early Childhood Education,
University of Ibadan, Ibadan, Nigeria. 1999
(d) Doctor of ~Philosophy (PhD) Early Childhood Education
University of Ibadan, Ibadan, Nigeria. 2006
MY Publications
Akinbote, O.O and Iroegbu, V.I. (2001). Effect of Three Modes of Teaching Reading on Primary School Pupils’Achievements in English Comprehension. A Journal of the International Centre for Educational Evaluation: Evaluation Research Vol. 1, No. 1, 38-45.
Odinko, M.N. and Iroegbu, V.I. (2005). Effects of Pre-Primary Education on Cognitive and affective Learning outcomes among Primary School Children in Nigeria. West African Journal of Education (WAJE) Vol. xxv, Pp 10-22.
Iroegbu, V.I. (2008). The effects of extensive reading on Primary School Pupils’ achievement on English comprehension. In Topical Issues in Literacy, Language and Development in Nigeria, International Reading Association Newark, USA.
Fasanmi, F.O. and Iroegbu, V.I. (2009). The Role of a Headteacher in School Management. In O.J. Ehindero, F.O. Aladejana and P.O. Jegede. Principles and Practice of Education. Obafemi Awolowo University Press, Ile-Ife. Pp 155-161.
Iroegbu, V.I. (2009). The role of Caregivers in teaching and learning in an Early Childhood classroom.
International Journal of Contemporary Issues in Education (Special Edition). Pp 134-140.
Iroegbu, V.I. (2009). Enriching English Language Teaching and Learning in an Early Childhood classroom through the modelling strategy. International Journal of Contemporary Issues in Education (Special Edition). Pp 163-169.
Iroegbu, V. I. (2010). Playway Strategy awareness and Teacher’s Classroom Practices: Implication for Nursery Education in Nigeria. International Journal of Contemporary Issues in Education (Vol. II).
Manuscript accepted for publication
Iroegbu, V. I. (2011). Teachers’ Perception of Pre-Primary education Curriculum Implementation in Ife central local Government Area of Osun State.(A Preliminary Study).Ife Journal of Theory and Research in Education(IJOTRE).Vol. 13, No 1, 2011.
Research Interests
The area of my research currently is The Playway Learning Strategy as well as comparative study of national Early childhood and Evans Curricula for ages 0-5years.